AMD's failure to lift the STAPM restriction resulted in performance degradation of APUs such as Ryzen 8700G/8600G

According to the latest YouTube video released by Gamers Nexus, AMD unexpectedly set a STAPM limit on the new desktop APU, affecting 8700G and 8600G, resulting in power consumption dropping from approximately 80W to 50W after running for a period of time.AMD stated in a press release:

We have found that some desktop models have mistakenly deployed STAPM, which should not have been applied to desktop components.

We will release BIOS updates in the future to correct this behavior. If nothing unexpected happens, the problems you discover will help a lot (customers), so it's better to discover them early than later.

(STAPM is the abbreviation for Skin Temperature Aware Power Management Limit, which is the maximum power consumption limit that a processor can continue to operate after reaching the long-term acceleration time limit (default 275 seconds).)

Time: 2024-02-01
AMD has issued a statement through Gamers Nexus acknowledging that the STAPM restrictions on AM5 desktop APUs such as Ryzen 8700G and Ryzen 8600G have not been lifted, resulting in performance degradation.