5.2GHz, over 1000W! AMD Thread Ripper Pro 7995WX Water Cooled Overfrequency Renews Cinebench Record Again

IT Home reported on November 17th that well-known overclocking expert Bill Alverson, sponsored by AMD, recently overclocked the AMD Ryzen Thread Ripper PRO 7995WX processor to 5.2GHz with a power of over 1000W, breaking multiple world records after air-cooled overclocking.After air-cooled overclocking, Sampson switched to water-cooled overclocking this time, increasing the clock frequency to 5.2GHz and power over 1000W. This not only broke the Cinebench R15, R20, R23, and 2024 version records again, but also broke the world record for GPUPI benchmark testing.

(From IT home)

Time: 2023-11-17
IT之家 11 月 17 日消息,由 AMD 赞助的知名超频者比尔・阿尔弗森(Bill Alverson,网名 Sampson)在风冷超频之后,近日再次超频 AMD Ryzen 线程撕裂者 PRO 7995WX 处理器至 5.2GHz,功率超过 1000W,打破了多项世界纪录。