Breakthrough cooperation! Intel hands over x86 CPU production to TSMC for OEM

It is revealed that since the Meteor Lake, Intel has adopted a separate modular structure on its new generation of processors, dividing the originally complete single chip into different modules such as Compute, GPU, SoC, IO, etc. This innovative design concept allows each module to be manufactured using different processes and freely combined. This means that Intel can adjust its production processes more flexibly and utilize the most advanced process technology to improve processor performance.

Prior to this, Intel had always insisted on independently producing processors. However, with the rapid development of technology and the intensification of market competition, Intel has gradually recognized the advantages of the OEM model. So, this technology giant decided to cooperate with TSMC and hand over its x86 CPU production to TSMC for OEM.

Industry experts believe that this decision may be a strategy adopted by Intel to cope with market competition pressure. By collaborating with TSMC, Intel can leverage TSMC's advanced process technology to improve processor performance while reducing production costs. In addition, this cooperation model can also enable Intel to focus more on product design and market strategy formulation, thereby better responding to the challenges of competitors.

It is worth noting that although Intel has entrusted the production of x86 CPUs to TSMC, this does not mean that Intel will completely abandon chip production. As a technology giant with rich experience in chip design, Intel's strength in the field of chip design cannot be underestimated. Therefore, we can expect Intel to continue to introduce more innovative product design and manufacturing solutions in the future.

The cooperation between Intel and TSMC will undoubtedly bring a win-win result for the two companies. TSMC will have an opportunity to showcase its technological strength and help consolidate its leading position in the global chip foundry market. Intel, on the other hand, can gain more advanced production processes and lower production costs through this collaboration, thereby enhancing its competitiveness in the processor market.

In the future, we look forward to seeing more cases of cooperation between technology giants, promoting the development of the entire technology industry. For consumers, this undoubtedly means that we will be able to see more innovative and high-performance products launched.

Time: 2023-11-24
In the technology industry, cooperation between giants often causes industry shock. Now, the disclosure of Intel's next-generation processor, the Lunar Lake, has sparked heated discussions on the internet, with the most eye-catching news being that this processor will be manufactured by TSMC for the first time.