Fourth generation Intel ® Xeon ® scalable processor

Fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® The scalable processor adopts a new architecture, with higher single core performance than the previous generation product, and is equipped with up to 60 cores per channel. Each system supports single, dual, four, or eight way configurations. In order to match the increase in kernel count, the platform has also made corresponding improvements in memory and input/output (I/O) subsystems. The bandwidth and speed provided by DDR5 memory are up to 1.5 times higher than DDR4, reaching a speed of 4800MT/s8. In addition, the platform also features 80 PCIe Gen5 channels per channel, significantly improving I/O by 9 compared to previous platforms. This generation of processors can also provide CXL 1.1 connectivity, support high network bandwidth, and enable efficient operation of additional accelerators. Fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® The technology supported by scalable processors allows you to flexibly scale and adjust according to changes in workload requirements.

In addition, this generation of processors can help you achieve the following advantages:

Further improve network, storage, and computing performance by offloading heavy tasks to Intel ® Infrastructure Processing Unit (Intel ® Infrastructure Processing Unit, Intel ® IPU to improve CPU utilization

• Through Intel ® UPI 2.0 improves multi-channel bandwidth (up to 16 GT/s) • Using Intel ® Speed Select Technology (Intel ® SST) Adjust CPU configuration to meet specific workload requirements

• Increase the shared capacity of L3 cache (LLC) (up to 100 MB LLC shared by all kernels)

Strengthen your control of security situations through hardware enhanced security features

• Using Intel ® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel ® VROC, eliminating the need for separate RAID cards


With better vector instructions and matrix multiplication operations, the fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processors exhibit better AI inference and training performance. Intel ® AMX can significantly improve the performance of deep learning workloads such as recommendation systems, NLP, image recognition, media processing and distribution, and media analysis.

Scientific Computing

Fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processors can improve the performance of multithreaded code commonly found in scientific computing workloads. These workloads include manufacturing simulation, molecular dynamics, Earth system modeling, and AI inference and training. The built-in accelerator of this processor can provide a high level of accuracy while also accelerating the processing of multiple AI data types. The processor also supports DDR5 memory, PCIe Gen5, and Intel ® Superchannel Interconnection (Intel ® Ultra Path Interconnect, Intel ® UPI) 2.0 and Compute Express Link (CXL) have significantly improved overall data throughput.

Data Analysis

Fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® The built-in accelerator of the scalable processor can enhance the performance of in memory databases, big data, data warehouses, business intelligence (BI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and operational analysis. Among them, Intel ® DSA can improve common stream data transmission and conversion operations in data processing intensive applications, Intel ® IAA can improve the throughput of database operations by offloading the CPU kernel task.

Network and Storage

Intel ® DLB can balance operations between kernels and achieve network packet prioritization. Intel ® DSA can offload data replication and common data conversion operations, thereby freeing up kernel cycles. These built-in accelerators enable efficient network data allocation and enterprise storage data transmission, as well as improve memory management operations in cloud computing, resulting in better cloud computing performance.


Intel ® QAT is now built into the fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processor that can accelerate password and compression operations. Intel ® QAT can significantly improve CPU efficiency and application throughput, while reducing data footprint and power consumption, empowering enterprises and institutions to strengthen encryption operations without affecting performance.


Intel ® Software Protection Extension (Intel ® Software Guard Extensions, Intel ® SGX is a data center level confidential computing technology that has undergone in-depth research, multiple updates, and widespread deployment in the current market, with minimal trust boundaries.

Expanding with Rich Choices and Excellent Flexibility - Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processor

From hardware to systems to software, Intel provides a trusted technological foundation to help businesses and institutions achieve a series of expanding business goals while better protecting data security. Whether it's providing greater computing density to reduce power consumption, accelerating AI workflows, or supporting a shift to cloud native architecture, Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processors can help businesses and institutions solve critical business challenges, providing richer cloud choices and better application portability.

Time: 2023-05-24
Fourth generation Intel ® xeon ® Scalable processor collection with the latest built-in accelerator array and software optimization, bringing stronger performance acceleration, better support for AI, encryption, security, data analysis, scientific computing, and the growing workload of network and storage, improving CPU utilization, reducing power consumption, improving investment return, and helping enterprises achieve sustainable development goals. Its rich selection and flexibility provide excellent cloud selection and application portability, enabling rapid business expansion.