Analog Devices

 Company Profile

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI). The registered company name in China is "Adeno Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd." It is a NASDAQ listed company in the United States (NASDAQ code: ADI).

Taking innovation, performance, and excellence as the cultural pillars of the enterprise, and growing based on this, it has become one of the most sustainable and rapidly growing enterprises in the technology field. We have 60000 customers worldwide, covering all types of electronic device manufacturers. As a high-performance analog integrated circuit (IC) manufacturer leading the industry for over 40 years, ADI's products are used in the fields of analog signal and digital signal processing.

The company is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts, USA, with design and manufacturing bases located worldwide. ADI company is included in the S&P 500 Index.

Focus on the market

Driven by the technological revolution, human society has embarked on the process of industrial revolution, objectively promoting the further development of economic globalization and urbanization. Globalization poses higher challenges to communication technology, while the trend of urbanization places higher demands on infrastructure such as transportation. At the same time, the global climate change and resource scarcity caused by the massive consumption of traditional energy, as well as the higher demands placed on the medical industry by the accelerated aging population, are undoubtedly the challenges facing today. The rapid development of semiconductor technology will play an important role in addressing the challenges brought by these changes. ADI Company is based on innovation and is committed to research and investment in communication infrastructure, industrial automation, industrial instrumentation, automotive electronics, and healthcare, providing high-performance products and solutions to address the challenges faced by various industries.

Product category

The ultimate challenge for customers is to launch products with competitive advantages into the market. Therefore, the challenge is to improve performance, accuracy, speed, and integration, reduce device size, energy consumption, and price, and collaborate more effectively and closely with customers - all of which can further enhance innovation capabilities. Due to ADI's focus on creating more innovative and reliable products, it will not only continue to be at the forefront of technology, but also prove that the uniqueness of ADI's products is the key to creating huge value for customers. The expanding ADI lineup of innovative products includes amplifiers and linear products, data converters, audio and video products, broadband products, clock and timing ICs, fiber optic and optical communication products, interfaces and isolation, MEMS and sensors, power and heat management, processors and DSPs, RF and IF ICs, switches and multiplexers, and more.

Enterprise cooperation

On July 11,2018, Analog Devices (ADI) announced that it had partnered with Baidu to develop sensing and navigation applications such as radar and LiDAR for the Apollo project.

Time: 2023-05-24
Adeno Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. is a globally recognized leading supplier of data conversion and signal processing technology in the industry.